Why You, the Average Person Who Does Not Care About Computers and The Internet and All That Jazz, should care about Cyber Safety.

Hello Humans,

Scams are on the rise.

Wonderful technologies like ChatGPT make writing scam emails effortless for the attacker.
Companies like GMail make it easy as pie to create an account on a "trusted platform" and send all the scam emails they like.
All of this can be automated, and once it's up and running, there is very little human interaction involved.

Literally: Scams as a Service.

Now, I do love you all, however, you're collectively causing "pained parent face" with some of your online activities recently.

First, everyone should do the following little quiz - how to spot a scam email/sms.


This is by no means a comprehensive list of possible scam vectors, it's just four.

Second, our lovely government has decided it no longer wants to be the laughing stock of the international InfoSec community, and have released some literature to arm yourself with some extra knowledge about Cyber Safety.


This is not required, I'm not going to quiz you on it, however, it is required, in much the same way as knowing how to swim is an important part of getting into a pool.

If you use the internet, you're in the pool, I strongly recommend at least learning the names of the different swimming strokes.
I'm not saying you need to become a champion swimmer, I'm just saying there are sharks in this pool, they are hungry, and they are going to get the slowest swimmers.
